
Blizzard is hiring an Esports Observer to improve spectating

It's purely dedicated to Overwatch.

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Blizzard's Overwatch has been one of the fastest-growing esports since it was released almost a year ago, and as with any esport spectatorship is important, so that's why Blizzard is recruiting an Esports Observer to help with just that.

The role of the job will be to assist Blizzard in improving the spectatorship for Overwatch to ensure it's a "top tier esport," helping develop how it's viewed by professional and casual audiences while also developing systems to be used globally in Overwatch. This will involve working closely with stakeholders to ensure these strategies are applied.

It's no coincidence this is being advertised before the Overwatch League, as the league is seen as an "esports ecosystem designed from the ground up to ensure that teams and players can thrive for years to come, and that their fans have the best experience possible." Blizzard therefore seem to be focusing on getting the best spectatorship possible in time for the League's launch later this year then.

The full responsibilities can be found on the job listing, but these including working with teams of observers, providing feedback on existing systems, and recognising relevant storylines in Overwatch esports. Is spectatorship an area that needs improving in Overwatch esports?


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