Star Wars Battlefront II

Dice ska fixa systemet i Star Wars Battlefront II

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Tre Dice-utvecklare deltog nyligen i en Reddit AMA (ask me anything) angående Star Wars Battlefron II. Ett 30-tal frågor avverkades och bland annat sade associate design director Dennis Brännvall såhär angående spelets bemötande:

"We were incredibly saddened by the negative response from you, the community on reddit about the game. In fact, we hated it, we truly did, because we want to make a game that you love. We've made a really cool, fun and beautiful game but it was overshadowed by issues with the progression system. We will fix this."

Även det här med extremt långa tider för att låsa upp allt dök upp, och executive producer John Wasilczyk kommenterade:

"We've seen the speculation about how long it takes players to earn things - but our averages based on the Play First trial are much faster than what's out there. But as more players come in, that could change.

We're committed to making progression a fun experience for all of our players. Nothing should feel unattainable and if it does, we'll do what it takes to make sure it's both fun and achievable. As we update and expand Arcade mode, we'll be working towards making sure that players can continue to progress without daily limits."

Mikrotransaktionerna fick sig också en känga och Brännvall sade attloot-lådor finns</i> "for player choice, but won't be a requirement to play or succeed at the game. And like everything else, we'll continue tweaking and tuning until we achieve these goals."</i>

Kort sagt verkar det som att Dice kommer försöka förändra systemet som fått så mycket kritik, och till stor del överskuggat vad som faktiskt är ett underhållande spel. Tror och hoppas du på förbättring?

Star Wars Battlefront II

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